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In the series We 4 Kings we looked at the first four kings of Judah after the division of Israel under Rehoboam. In summary: Rehoboam: was a king with no conviction.

There were three areas of conviction that we considered:

  1. The word of God must be the only authority for our opinions and actions. Otherwise, we are subject to our own whims and those of others. We must read, understand, and live by the word of God.
  2. The house of God is the place where God has set His name. For the Jews that was the temple in Jerusalem; for us it is the church. How highly do we value the principles of the church?
  3. The people of God are extremely precious to Him. Our thoughts of the Lord’s people are a strong indication of our thoughts towards Him.

Abijah: had conviction without courage.

Asa: possessed conviction and courage; but he couldn’t handle criticism.

Jehoshaphat: was the best king since David, an excellent king, in fact! However, he lacked consistency. His mistaken marriage alliance with Ahab led to his son Jehoram marrying Athaliah, Ahab’s daughter, and the result was disastrous for Judah.

Jehoram’s first recorded royal act was to murder his brothers and some of the princes of Judah, 2 Chr. 21. 4. He followed his father-in-law’s wickedness in the worship of Baal, and all the evil that accompanies idolatry. He made Judah go astray, v. 11. This caused the people to revolt. Previously, the Philistines and Arabians brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, 17. 11; during Jehoram’s reign they returned and took back more than they had given, including his wives and most of his sons, 21. 16, 17. Finally, the Lord struck him with an incurable disease and he died in great agony, vv. 18, 19.

Jehoram’s - eight-year reign was a complete disaster. The people did not mourn him. They buried him in the city of David, but not in the kings’ tombs. His youngest son Ahaziah became king, and he continued the lifestyle of his father and maternal grandfather, Ahab; his mother was his counsellor in doing wickedly, 22. 3. He reigned for one year and was murdered by Jehu, the incoming king of Israel. His mother set out to destroy the royal family of Judah and, although she failed, she nearly succeeded. What stopped her? God’s plan will never be thwarted. The King of kings was to come from the line of Judah and the wickedness of God’s enemies will never defeat God’s plan. Despite Jehoram’s vile behaviour, God had made a covenant (a promise) to David that his throne would endure; He would not break that promise, 21. 7.

In this series, we will be looking at memorable statements made about some of the kings, how they will be remembered. Of Jehoram, it was said in 2 Chronicles chapter 21 verse 20:




The Message puts it more bluntly, ‘There were no tears shed when he died—it was good riddance!’ He caused Judah nothing but trouble and they were glad to see the end of his reign.

What makes such a devastating conclusion?

His father’s lapse: How we behave will have an impact on us immediately and the effects of our sinful actions may be felt by others, sometimes for many years. Sexual sin, for example, can lead to many far-reaching problems for us and others. We must strive to maintain God’s standard in our lives. However great Jehoshaphat was, his legacy in his son was a direct result of his disobedient alliance with Ahab.

His fierce longing: He wanted to be the unrivalled king; no one would get in his way. We must remember that we do not live unto ourselves. We have a responsibility to look on the needs of others (fellow-believers), but also to have a good testimony before the world. Position, power, and wealth are not sinful in themselves; sometimes how they are achieved can be!

His final legacy: His son Ahaziah followed his behaviour. That was Ahaziah’s choice, but his example was a poor one. The effect of our behaviour on others cannot be underestimated.

In the -Lord’s parable of the talents, the profitable servant was told ‘well done … good and faithful servant’, Matt. 25. 21. Let’s strive for that epitaph rather than Jehoram’s who ‘departed without being desired’, 2 Chr. 21. 20.
