Editor’s Introduction

Another issue is now ready for your enjoyment. Hopefully you will find it helps some aspects of your spiritual journey through life.

This issue sees a number of articles which I found very helpful as I edited them. We get a few insights into varying aspects of Christian life in this issue.

How do you cope with peer pressure? Are you even aware that it exists? I am sure you are. Andrew Barnes recounts a friend’s experience and then helps us concentrate on what peer pressure is, how it can be handled and what to do when things go wrong, as they will do. It’s worth a read!

Steve Buckeridge challenges us about worship. This is really important stuff, not just for Sunday mornings but as a guide to how you see life as a believer. Worship is not just about good music and songs (though they help); it’s a mindset, and one we really need to cultivate.

I have asked Jeremy Singer to write again. I find his approach very refreshing and helpful. He gives a biographical look at the life and mindset of the apostle Paul. This is a really easy read, but packed with pointers that can apply to our lives as well. Good stuff!

The remaining article is about another young man in the Bible. Well, to be honest, he is young when the story starts and quite old at the end. Daniel is an amazing character, and Paul McCauley extracts some really good lessons for us from the early stages of his life. This is not about easy living, but living for God when things get tough. I hope you find it helpful.

Happy reading!

